
Book publication interest free loan.

The scheme is for writers, who are, on some reason, could not publish their written books. Some of the writers need financial support to publish his/her novel, short story, poems etc. Being a small fund, the loan is available only for books publish in Meiteilol (Manipuri) language.


i) To provide interest free loan to emerging writers for publication of their short stories, poems, novels etc.

ii) To encourage the emerging poets to write more stories, poems etc.

iii) To support them in marketing of their publications.

Area of operation:

The scheme shall be made available to the entire North Eastern Region of India.

How to apply:

i) Use an A4 size paper and give profile of the writer.

ii) Attach a copy of the script in PDF (typed or hand-written).

iii) Submit on-line.

iv) Submission in hard copy is not encouraged.

v) A Committee will screen the script.

vi) Loan application form will be issued if the script is found to be okay.

vii) The loan application is to be submitted through and recommended by an association of writers.

Loan Amount:

i) Loan amount shall not exceed Rs. 50,000/- (Rupees fifty thousand) per book.

ii) Up to 70% of the total of printing and binding cost.

iii) The lower of the above two.

iv) Loan will be released directly to the firm where the book is printing and binding.

v) Loan will be released in installments base on the progress of the publication.

Repayment of the Loan:

i) The loan is repayable in installments.

ii) Shall start repayment within 30 days of publication of the book.

iii) Full amount of the loan is repayable within 6 months of publication of the book.